Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Heaven and Earth

Notice this title is different from heaven and hell? Will there is a reason.
First lets go back to question of creation, the part that relates to Adam and Eve. Its one of my debates with God.
Dear God, aren't you the one who called the council of Angels, and let them listen to your proposal for creating a specie or to be exact in your quote, creating Adam and sending him to earth as your representative? I am not going to get into debate that you were right or Satan, each one had your own reasons. And beside he was not alone as you told us in Torah, Bible and Koran. Angels were saying Adam's descendant will do the same evil acts, as did the creatures you created before in this purpose. Correct me if I am wrong. Anyways what they say I believe exactly happened. History is full of Hyman's shameless atrocities and crime behind comprehension. But you didn't punish the angels for their disagreement. How could you? You called them for their opinion and asked them what they thought.
At the end they had to agree with you because you always win. You are the Super power of Universe, The closing statement was, I know and you know nothing. Than you didn't stop there and asked them to put their head in ground in front of Adam. Well they did, almost everyone of them except Satan, which challenged you and said he is not going to and he will see about how to rule your earth and make people do evil acts. From than on human history is as we know it.
now comes the important question:
God as he promise did create Adam but not as he said he would. He created Adam in heaven not on earth, even though he meant for him to be his ambassador in earth, he sent him to Heaven first. But had to find an excuse they won't get very comfortable there, because he had bigger duty. So by God's well or Satan's miss leading, which goes and ties back with God's will, he got evicted from heaven and sent to his embassy in Earth. Where he should have been in first place.
OK now we explore this question. NO one has an answer to it, right? Well we can try.
Why God sent Adam to Heaven? Wasn't he who said he is just going to create him to rule the Earth? He didn't mean for him to spend immortal life in Heaven anyways. So why he blames him or Eve or Satan for not being worthy of heaven. Did he mean for him to be in Heaven or to be in Earth? Earth of course. That's what he told Angels, didn't he? OK lets say God give Adam and Eve a treat before they start their important duty. So he treat them like VIP for a while. Like getting a private suite for them in Los Vegas. Just as an example. They could play, relax, eat from Victorian buffets etc.etc. But at the end those guests were not sent home with honors.
They got kicked out, just like someone who has cheated in crap table or slot machines. Why? because they had duty on earth. Why with dishonor? I don't know. Confused? Of course you are, because you don't have answer to it.
Now listen to what I am proposing. Hopefully you agree with me. Even though you don't have to.
It all comes to my theory of heaven and hell and in this case heaven and earth.
There is no heaven separate from this hell. North pole doesn't exist from south pole. Night doesn't exist without day, white without black, and grey which is majority is not independent from either. Etc etc. Goes back to Unity of Opposites.
You have read my theory about heaven and hell before. I am stating it again. Remember that dream about a man in hell, goes visiting a heaven family? But even there and in their house, in their living room, their garage and their back alley, which is heaven for that family, is hell for him? Well that's the way it is, believe me. Forget about anything you read about heaven and earth. Those will send you to atheism, because it doesn't make sense.
Let see what makes sense than?
When God said he creates Adam for earth, yes he meant it. That contradiction suddenly disappears. Because that heaven or Los Vegas suite or Bali Island, wasn't somewhere other than earth. So don't say he was in heaven first , than God got mad, sorry I meant angry and sent him to earth. When god is happy with you, you are in heaven, no matter where you are, in work or MC Donald's or a mall, or camping or beach surfing. When God is unhappy with you the opposite is true. You can extend that thought to your state of mind etc etc, Everything has a minor and major. Little happiness, lot of happiness, Ultimate happiness. Which I am not talk about it. Its different subject. Don't want you to get lost. So is unhappiness.
Anyways God created Adam in earth, not somewhere unknown called heaven. Heaven was this earth, and still is for people who deserve it. You didn't eat that apple, or whatever fruit it was. Why should you be punished? Well I have news for you. You are not. Forget what Priest or Pope or Mullah or Ayatollah tells you. God is not so unfair that punishes you for Adam's sin.
Remember Ibrahim( Abraham). He prays to God, asking him to forgive everyone that comes down forever from his tribe? God said it doesn't work this way. Their deed and acts will shape their reward or punishment. So why shouldn't the same be true with Adams descendants?
Your haven or hell is what you build with your own hands, with your own deeds and action. Not what your parents and great parents made for you.
So Adam was created in this world, and this world ( Earth) , the part they were born in, was heaven for them, because God was happy with them. Thank how happy you are when you are out of shower, wear clean dress, your body is clean, doesn't have a piece of dirt. How happy it makes you. Now imagine, your soul is clean too. You don't have dirty thoughts, you haven't hurt anybody, you don't have bad thoughts about anyone, there is nothing but love in your heart. Believe me, you are in heaven in this world.
Than they disobeyed God ( And please take that garbage out of your brain that Eve disobeyed God first and made Adam do the same), they disobeyed the god, their soul got dirty, God was unhappy with them, their heaven changed to something other than heaven, regular Earth. I don't know whether they got evicted from where they were or not? Its any body's guess. Maybe God sent them to Yemen from Syria, So Saudi Arabia from Eden, TO Bethlehem from Egypt. OR stayed exactly where they were. Its not important anymore.
Now that this question got resolved. Another big question remains unanswered.
God told Angels, including Satan in that council he is creating Adam as his representative on earth. Remember their answer? Eventually someone is going to ask and for a while I didn't have an answer, but now I do. Question is as follow: Angels told God and requested that he will not go ahead with his plan. BECAUSE the generations God created before did bad deed on earth and killed each other and destroyed the earth etc. Maybe they brought global warming too, who knows? Which god didn't accept, than Satan didn't kneel and got his determination to send Adams kids and Adam in wrong paths , which he started from first day and still doing it faithfully.
Well, well, it was Satan , because of his argument with God, which reflects in bad deeds in humans mind and soul is causing all the mishaps on Earth, who caused earlier generations or creatures or whatever it was to do bad things? Hard question, right? Seems unanswerable?
Now by going back to my article, Khedder, the Albino prophet, that question is answered already. I laughed at myself, something that I answered and explained before , I thought I didn't have an answer.
Khedder the prophet or the man who drunk from the fountain of youth asked God. Oh God, if I have a long long age like this, what is going to be age of universe or earth? God told him get three little stones, go to Babylon, to that exact location, you will find a well deep that you see some stones there in dept, throws your stones and ask your question. He went and did so. Well gave greeting. He said I am Khedder, god sent me to ask the question. Voice from well said I know who you are and what you want. So he said whats the answer than? The voice said, everything I say will not make sense to you, no need to say several millions or billions years, the simple answer is I was a very very deep well, nobody could imagine the end, every few thousand years a Khedder came and asked the same question, so now I am that full that you see, but still long way to go.
So to answer the previous question, Every once in millions years, God called the council of Angels and Satan refused to kneel in front of Adam or whatever his name was. Than they did bad deeds or caused global warming, disappeared like dinosaurs or Yellowstone jungle which went to fire in smaller scale, and life started all over.
I hope you enjoyed it. Email me your comments

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